Scaling Heights: Mastering WordPress on AWS for Ultimate Performance Episode 2: File Freedom with…Decoupling file storage to achieve scalable, shared storage for WordPress media uploads.Jan 51Jan 51
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Published inAWS TipScaling Heights: Mastering WordPress on AWS for Ultimate PerformanceI’ll be writing a blog series providing a journey of transforming a WordPress Application’s transformation. The application has the…Jan 1, 20242Jan 1, 20242
Published inAWS TipCONFIGURE VPN TO ACCESS INSTANCES IN THE PRIVATE NETWORKLaunching EC2 and installing OpenVPNDec 26, 2023Dec 26, 2023
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IaC with AWS CloudFormationCreating VPC, public subnets, private subnets, NAT gateways, and route tables with subnet associations using CloudFormationMar 5, 2023Mar 5, 2023
Published inAWS TipCloudWatchAgent: Pushing metrics and apache logs to CloudwatchWhen we launch an EC2 instance, we can monitor only the specific metrics through CloudWatch. If we want to view additional metrics and push…Mar 5, 2023Mar 5, 2023